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Ryan Ross
Ryan Ross


- Where can I purchase rFactor and rFactor 2?Both titles are available on Steam.- Where do I download/install rFactor and rFactor 2?Both titles are downloaded through the Steam client after you own them there. You need to install their software, select rFactor or rFactor 2 in your library and follow on-screen instructions to install it.- I already purchased rFactor or rFactor 2 from ISI, can I transfer to Steam?In most cases, yes. Please complete this form once for each product you need a key for. Your purchase will be manually verified and we'll either send you a key or ask for more information from you as needed.- I purchased an rFactor DVD, can I transfer to Steam?It's unlikely. Please email and we will check what version you have.- I purchased an rFactor DVD and it says 'insert correct DVD'?Your DVD is being run on a version of Windows it was never designed for. Return it to the store.- Can I get a refund for my purchase on Steam?Refunds are handled by Steam, and in accordance with their policy.- Can the Steam version of rFactor be installed multiple times?rFactor 2 does not need this. With rFactor, the easiest way to avoid mod conflicts in doing this is to install rFactor to a new Steam library folder, and make a backup of that steamapps/common/rfactor folder. Install your mod(s) and then you can move rFactor folders in and out of that location to activate or deactivate them. However it should be noted that some mods do include unnecessary files that WILL break your installation entirely, forcing you to reinstall. Nothing we can do about that. If you can contact the mod creator and inform them, perhaps they can remove the problematic files.- I installed a mod and now rFactor says it needs to activate?The mod replaced Steam files with non-Steam files and broke your installation. You'll have to remove that mod. We no longer even have a non-Steam version.- How do I install mods?With rFactor 2, use the Steam workshop where possible and just click subscribe on the item. With rFactor, we use loose files and a manual process where you simply drop the correct files into the correct folder. Most mods have a readme.txt file to help you with that.- How do I create mods?With rFactor 2 download and see guides on the Studio 397 Web site. With rFactor, you can download some of the tools here: MAS Tool, AIWCAM Editor, 3DSMax Plugins, Older Tools. A 3D object creator is required along with a painting tool capable of DDS creation.- Can I paint my cars?Yes. We use DDS format, which requires the plugin for Photoshop from NVIDIA. Download templates.- rFactor doesn't detect my wheel?You may have to manually bind controls for a wheel where they are not detected. Click an action in the settings, do the action with your controller.- rFactor / rFactor 2 doesn't launch?Either you have a bad mod (usually rF1 issue only), bad plugin, bad UI (rF1), are out of RAM, or are missing runtimes our software requires in order to run.With rFactor 2, wherever you installed Steam look at the following paths for the files and install them all: steam/steamapps/common/rfactor 2/_CommonRedist/- Is the rFactor ISI matchmaker down?rFactor is now Steam-only. Server listings are available in the Steam client. Hosts need to be using the Steam version for it to show there. IP direct connection is always available, and most leagues use that.- How do I find the Steam server listings?Open the Steam software. Go to the VIEW menu, then servers. Filter by game: rFactor.- How do I launch the Steam dedicated server?Open the Steam software. Right-click rFactor in your games library list and you will see a dedicated server option.- Why are Studio 397 developing rFactor 2 instead of ISI?ISI were beginning to wind down development on rF2 to focus on other projects. Studio 397 was formed to specifically give it back that focus and push it forwards.- Can I use rFactor or rFactor 2 commercially?Not without permission or commercial licensing. Contact ISI or Studio 397 to make sure you're operating legally.- Is rFactor Pro available to retail customers?No. Never has been. Pro is a controlled product for auto manufacturers, race car engineers and racing teams.- Can I extract data (standings, telemetry, etc) from rFactor?Yes. Our Internals Plugin system does this. Download (version 3). Instructions PDF, Plugin example.


This game (rfactor2) ist still an absolute joke.... apart from the obnoxious UI (still, after so many years) it is a complete fail for configuring your devices. Auto-detect just helps nothing. I have to basically unplug EVERY other device (Thrustmaster hotas, 3 button boxes) before it would "detect" the DD2. As I said -> a joke!! I do not understand why people still bother about this title!!!!

So I spent some time to figure out setup of rfactor2. And finally it runs! What has to be done with controllers is to delete all the preset profiles in the user data folder. Another thing is the setup of the triple screen -> quite a hidden function, accessed through a key-combo (in misc settings -> called "triples/tyres").

F1 Challenge proved to be popular for online racing over the Internet through GameSpy, which allowed any player to find available games. rFactor has extended this in several ways. The central server is handled by ISI themselves, so finding other games is effectively the same. The central server, however, will show all races and practice sessions over a web interface (URL, similar to real Formula One coverage (as of 2005) at the official formula one site. There are also career statistics available to drivers. 041b061a72


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